
Message from Managing Director
Assuring everyone, as a Pacific team leader, I would like to mention here my strong belief in the Quality Education with optimum skill that we have been providing to our students. My supportive team comprising long – experienced educationalists and culinary artists are the pillars of my faith. Our collective effort for the enhancement of the Pacific Hospitality and Culinary Academy is the preliminary base of our standing. The infrastructures with fully equipped instruments help prepare the students to be ready to retain the skill, art and education in our Pacific premises.
I would like to wholeheartedly welcome all of you in Pacific Hospitality and Culinary Academy.
Message from the International Relationship Manager
I think nearly 3 million Nepali people are in abroad in the countries other than South Asia. What do they do there? Either study or work- the answer is evidently apparent. Is it easy? Again the answer is clear- No. as an NRN member I have experienced possibly all such circumstances. As a son of a middle-class family, I am familiar with the problems of most Nepali people. Now I am in Australia with thousands of other Nepali people and I know why and how they came to Australia. Not only this much I even know that many of the Nepali youths are in the process of coming to Australia and many are in the position of the gestation for the same.
I was thinking of doing something for this population of Nepalese traveling abroad. Meanwhile, when I was in Nepal, some people advised me to establish an educational institution in Nepal which would possess internationally recognized standard so that the Nepali youths could get the opportunity in the

Message from Australian Ambassador
Nepal and Australia have been linked by bonds of friendship for decades. This factor motivates Australia to work with Nepal as a substantial development partner. Our citizens enjoy friendly relations and mutual respect. This kind of atmosphere has encouraged thousands of Nepalese to consider Australia for education, business and migration opportunities.
Developed countries like Australia are often in need of skilled professionals, and Nepal can make use of these opportunities if they improve their skills base. I know many Nepali citizens consider Australia as a provider of sought after education and technical skills to facilitate their search for a satisfying career either inside or outside Nepal.
I, therefore, welcome Pacific Hospitality and Culinary Academy that has opened in Kathmandu, which promotes an international perspective and Australian management experience. I understand the Academy will be skills-oriented and have curriculum links with Australian Technical and Further Education providers.
I’m grateful to Pacific Hospitality and Culinary Academy team for bringing to my notice this new training opportunity.
Message from AICS Principal
At first, let me say, Namaste and a very big thank you to all Nepali out there for their sound hospitality attitude which we have received while staying in Nepal.
As we are the authorized body of the Australian International Culinary Services (AICS), we assess, train and certify people around the globe. In fact, we are excited to join our hands together with Pacific Hospitality and Culinary Academy which will focus on producing the skilled hospitality leaders. The college is going to execute the SIT packages of AICS which are intensive, specialized and pragmatic in the field of the hospitality industry.
In a nutshell, what we all need to do is plan, organize, lead and control the entire academy to be successful in the days to come. So let me extend my congratulations and best wishes for the management team and their valuable effort to establish this institution.

Message from AICS CEO
AHello and Namaste Nepal! Thank you so much for the great hospitality endeavour that I experienced in Nepal. Broadly speaking, it is my great pleasure to unite and work together with PACIFIC HOSPITALITY AND CULINARY AND CULINARY ACADEMY.
As we all know that tourism and hospitality is a large labor intensive industry, there is a huge demand for skilled human capital in this industry. Thus, the scope of skilled hospitality workforce is tremendously increasing. As the CEO of AICS, I can assure you that I will be supporting all the aspects of the academic requirement to make the academy’s dream come true. I must appreciate the effort, enthusiasm, commitment and teamwork of PHCA.
Furthermore, I believe that this academy will be a milestone to the student who desires to achieve a technical education of International standard in their country of residence at an affordable price. Finally, let me congratulate and wish the entire team for their splendid initiation.